Derek Suttie
SBL Whole School Lead Strategist
I have worked in education for more than 25 years, 21 of which have been in Leadership and Management at national and international schools around the world including South Africa, England, Italy, Spain, Indonesia and Brazil.
I truly believe that I have been ‘called’ to inspire the young people I work with – I am fortunate to work with young people and feel privileged to help and guide our younger generation towards wonderful and exciting futures. It is my calling to guide young people to develop personally and to become exceptional, well rounded leaders that are able to make a difference to our world in a relevant, meaningful and deeply caring way.

Kiki Tompazi
Learning & Development Facilitator
My nature is that of a person who is constantly looking to find the truth, understand how the world works, intensely contemplate and mentally refine everything I come across.
From a young age, I have enjoyed mathematics and physics. Therefore, I decided to go towards the direction of scientific studies and academically evolve in the field of physics in a pursuit of a deeper understanding of life.
The presence of children contributes to better understanding the world because their view on life can be extremely unique. Thus, working with children is an ongoing learning process for all people involved. This is one of the reasons why I value education and I choose to work in the field and to become a learning and development facilitator at School Beyond Limitations.
Dancing, snorkelling, scuba diving, forest walks, travelling, theater and spending happy time with my friends and family are some of my beloved activities.

Mark Connolly
Learning & Development Facilitator
A well-known quote credited to Eleanor Roosevelt is one that resonates strongly with me: ‘The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams’. I am thrilled to be part of the SBL community which empowers students to ‘dream big’ and live up to their full potential.
I find purpose in education and I relish the challenge of inspiring curiosity and making students want to explore and know more. I have always found that the deepest learning occurs when students are intrinsically motivated and have a sense of ownership of their learning. One of the things I love most about SBL’s educational model is that learning is truly personalised and tailored to the needs and, very importantly, the interests and passions of each student, helping to unleash each individual’s unique talents.
I am from the UK and live among the hilly landscapes and beautiful beaches of Devon in South West England and I like to spend as much time as I can in nature. I have a degree in Hispanic Studies and History from the University of Nottingham and completed my PGCE at the Institute of Education in London. I have been teaching History and Politics in UK schools for more than 12 years and in that time have worked in a variety of roles including teacher, form tutor, head of department and head of faculty and I am experienced in preparing students for GCSE, IGCSE and A-Level examinations.
I am firm in the belief that a holistic education in which students develop a love for learning is crucial and, as a learning and development facilitator, I look forward to building meaningful connections with our students and supporting them on their learning journeys, wherever it takes them.

Anna Golanska
Learning & Development Facilitator, EAL Strategist
I am an enthusiastic learning and development facilitator with over 20 years experience in teaching English as a foreign language.I love to see my students follow their curiosity, persevere, make mistakes, live in the moment, create value and learn through experience. I have always been passionate about implementing innovative technologies along with a holistic approach to achieve best learning outcomes.My intention is to support my students to face any challenges they may encounter in their learning process and help them to become confident, life long learners. I always seek to equip the students with techniques that best suit their learning styles and inborn talents. Obviously, it is not only a foreign language that opens the door to the successful and fulfilling future, but also 21st century transferable skills like: critical thinking, collaboration, technological literacy and flexibility which are an essential element of effective teaching.

Brian McHugh
Learning & Development Facilitator
I believe that to thrive within this 21st century reality, students must learn more than content. My holistic approach to teaching and learning is built around the development of communication skills and the cultivation of a positive, growth mindset; this is where the roots of learning, discovery and growth can take hold.
While I am an Irish national – and currently living in Ireland – I think of myself as a citizen of the world. I have lived in six different countries throughout my life, and throughout my 11-year teaching career I have taught full-time in regions as diverse as Venezuela, England and China. These experiences have not only given me a wealth of life-experience and respect for other cultures and perspectives, but have allowed me to develop and refine my teaching and management practices within diverse settings and alongside a range of exceptional practitioners.

Emma Dunckley
Learning & Development Facilitator, Learning Strategist
I am very much a believer in the theory that; with enthusiasm and enjoyment in any subject, learning becomes an easy byproduct, and that a well-rounded education should include far more than the standard school curriculum. SBL’s philosophy of learning has realised my educational ideology and I am very excited about working in such an environment, in which each student is seen and treated for who they are.

Susie Henshall
Learning & Development Facilitator, Wellbeing and Maths Strategist
My passion for teaching was first ignited when I moved from the UK to Rouen, France, to work as an English teacher as part of my languages degree at university. After completing my degree, I moved to London to study for a PGCE at Goldsmiths University. Renowned for its creativity and global mindedness, this teacher training programme provided me with the theory and practical experience to work in inner city London schools. I have also worked in an international school in Ticino, Switzerland. Whilst working at the school, I learnt about the IB Primary Curriculum and constructing knowledge through the inquiry cycle. With a strong dedication to supporting all students both academically and holistically, I love meeting and learning about people, their interests and what motivates them. My mission in life is to encourage the light to shine in others and I can think of no better place to live this out than at the School Beyond Limitations.

Claudia Rehder
Learning & Development Facilitator
For more than twenty years I’ve been a teacher in Germany in the fields of both: literature and science. Logical thinking and problem solving are as fascinating for me as expressing myself by writing a poem or a story, being creative, singing a song or being on stage acting or speaking. I truly believe that everybody is unique and has wonderful treasures inside to contribute to the world. My heart is full of enthusiasm and motivation to encourage my students to shine their very own light and that the walls we build are only in our mind.

Ajit Dhillon
Learning & Development Facilitator
Education is a mindset. It is a way of seeing that allows a person an ability to not only access their world, but also empowers them to change it. I’ve spent the past ten years realizing this mission in my work as an educational leader in international schools in Singapore, Portugal, and America. School Beyond Limitations is a place where I believe I can fully realize this mission and I am so excited to join a community where we will forge a new potential of what individual students can achieve.
I am well-versed in the MYP and IB Curriculum, IGCSE, and American system(AP). In the past decade, I have worked with students from all over the world with an array of learning styles. International-mindedness and an appreciation of culture is something that is very important to me not just as a teacher, but also as a human being. A classroom is a place where people from all different backgrounds exchange ideas and learn from each other.

Debbie Andrew
Learning & Development Facilitator
Over the past 35 years of teaching, I have honed a love of English literature and more especially in the realm of children’s books. I find enormous joy in helping children to discover the pleasures of reading for enjoyment and discovering the excitement of being able to ‘travel’ in the world of their imagination. Reading, too, often sparks a love of writing and the ability to express oneself through stories or poetry or song. I always marvel at the ease at which children and children’s authors are able to write – uninhibited and with their ‘inner-child’ still perfectly intact.
Learning and discovering is always a thrill and it is especially more exciting when embarked upon with people who love to teach, learn and grow together. To be able to ‘spark’ one another’s curiosities and ignite life-long learning, is one of life’s great gifts – the rewards of which are limitless! It is why I love working with children. They are always interesting and interested, and it is a great privilege to be able to learn from them and to help guide their thoughts, ideas, and creativity on this journey of
limitlessness. I am both humbled and excited by the opportunity to be part of School Beyond Limitations; to be able to explore our innate curiosities in a safe and secure environment; to guide these curiosities through friendships established on kindness, love and respect so that each of us can realise the wonder that we already are.

Gary Pearlz
Learning & Development Facilitator
I love to learn. Teaching puts me next to lots of learners. It lets me share their excitement and I get to push their thinking into new directions. My expertise is History and I teach English language and literature as well. (Let‘s not leave out that I love math, science, philosophy and art too!) In my 20-year career, I have worked in several schools, including public schools in the USA and private schools in Viet Nam, China and Japan. Travel is the best teacher and that’s why I love SBL‘s commitment to residential weeks. I feel energized by the openness and innovation at SBL. I can’t wait to co-create more new ways to learn and share and grow with our community.

Jayne O’keefe
Learning & Development Facilitator
I have a profound love for teaching and have gained over 16 years of extensive classroom experience in both British national and international schools, as well as private home schooling and tuition.
Working with children and young people allows me to appreciate life from a whole different perspective; seeing the world through their eyes and encouraging them to find wonder in the facets of life that adults often overlook, is a truly amazing experience.
Throughout my teaching career, I have been dedicated to developing my pedagogical knowledge and adapting to diverse learning needs. Respecting the individual needs of my students has always been at the heart of everything I do. Encouraging children to realise and embrace their individuality and validate what makes them unique is paramount.
I am now extremely excited to continue my career as an SBL facilitator; collaborating with like-minded educators – who share my belief in the importance of 21st-century education.

Lisa Cornell
Learning & Development Facilitator
I’ve developed my teaching practice over 15 years, across 4 continents, face-to-face and online, with adults and children, large classes and 1-1, mixed and girls-only, religious and secular, in mainstream and special needs schools, and my conclusion is … to do what SBL does – educate our young people through inquiry and self-direction, so they learn to think critically and act impactfully.
I am passionate about empowering young people through a combination of academic and personal achievement, and it has been my experience that a blend of knowledge, along with a positive mindset and resilience, are important foundations to leading a successful and fulfilling life.
My motto, and that of my students, is “If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you.” It is an honour to be guiding and mentoring our young people as they create their unique life adventures and to be collaborating alongside such dedicated colleagues.

Nanuk Jäger
Learning & Development Facilitator
I’m delighted and proud to be part of the SBL Team. I look forward to meeting and accompanying your child on this journey at “School beyond limitations.”
I love that learning takes place with the main idea that students actively construct their knowledge based on their prior knowledge and values. Likewise, I’m motivated to facilitate a holistic learning approach to create meaningful new learning connections.
I believe a holistic learning approach takes place vice versa, and I’m thrilled to learn from your child. Learning never stops.
I’m very passionate about the well-being of humans.
I believe that understanding how emotions work and how to deal with them is crucial to let the individual ‘beyond limitation’ learning experience unfold itself.
I look forward to getting to know your child and embarking on this journey together.

Oliver Shearman
Learning & Development Facilitator
I have been an educator for over a decade and during that time, I have learned how much students need to be recognized for the unique and wonderful individuals that they are. SBL supports this vision and I find myself joyous to be part of this sadly uncommon approach we have to education. I have studied science and mathematics formally, but love learning and understanding the connections between all fields and topics of study and while I love connecting content; no matter the context of teaching or learning, I have always found the most important connection to make is one between student and teacher. As Aristotle is quoted to have said: “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” SBL allows the time, freedom and real opportunities to get to know our students, to authentically connect and support their exploration of topics of interest and more broadly the world around them.

Sonia Dos Santos
Learning & Development Facilitator
I am a happy and passionate, Mathematical orientated facilitator. The way mathematics is interwoven in all that we do and see has a profound effect on my curiosity and eagerness to investigate.
My soul-food is connecting with people. I have had the privilege of working with the most elite schools to the most underprivileged schools. The common element is one of recognising and accepting the person for who they are at that time in their lives. SBL with its unique blueprint and philosophy allows our youth to find their inner voice and follow their passions. I am looking forward to connecting with students and their families whilst we embark on a most wonderful journey of learning and self-development together.

Dr. Giovanna Fungi
Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Mindfulness Trainer
I have been working as a psychologist and psychotherapist with adults, adolescents and families for over 15 years. Graduated from Università Cattolica in Milan in 2003, I completed my training in transcultural psychotherapy in 2009.
I consider schools and communities as key settings for promoting global mental health and cultural and social transformation through the development of psychological flexibility. I strongly believe in prevention and in the value of education to promote the healthy development of individuals and communities.
I have been working for many years in clinical and educational environments with a multilingual and multicultural population. These scenarios require careful consideration of the specific cultural elements that shape a person’s experience of their wellbeing, decision making and interactions in different contexts.
I encountered mindfulness in 2014 by specialising in Third Wave CBT therapies (ACT – Acceptance and Commitment Therapy). I practise and apply it by teaching protocols such as MBSR and MB-EAT, and by leading individual and group mindfulness-based courses.
Previously as a dance teacher trained with the Russian Ballet Society of Edinburgh, I have worked for over twenty years with dancers from 3 to 70 years old. This role led me to grow alongside my students and their families and shaped an approach to teaching, clinical practice and education that values creativity, attention to the body, movement, balance, vitality.
My recent professional development as somatic therapist is a natural outcome of this ongoing process of professional and personal growth.
I am passionate about music, dancing, nature and illustration. I am a lifelong learner, appreciate beauty and practise random acts of kindness.

Celia Martinez
Learning & Development Facilitator
I have always had a calling to work with young people and inspire them to discover their full potential which led me to work in different fields within the education sector. During the last decade I have gained experience developing study abroad programmes at higher education institutions, teaching English as an additional language to international students and most recently as a primary teacher.
After my last experience working as a Primary Teacher in a mainstream school, I realised that something was missing, and I felt that our current generation deserve more than just studying to pass standardise tests.
I started searching for schools that were more aligned with my vision of education and that’s how I came across School Beyond Limitations (SBL). I feel humbled and privileged to be part of SBL, a place where children are valued, respected, and cared for, and their uniqueness is celebrated. But above all, a place where fostering positive relationships, is what matters the most.
In my spare time you will find me close to the ocean, practising my latest passion, surfing. It teaches me to be in the present moment, to love nature even more and to feel part of a community. I also like helping the local community where I live and take every opportunity I can to volunteer with local NGO’s.

Julia Hodgetts
SBL Research and Development Strategist
I am Julia Hodgetts and have spent much of my career working in international education in part as an educational consultant since completing my degree in History from the University of Exeter and my Masters in International Relations from the University of Sussex. Over the years I’ve worked as a teacher, head of department, universities co-ordinator,deputy head of an international school and run two educational consultancy companies.
In these roles not only have I prepared students for all sorts of exams – IGCSE, A Levels and International Baccalaureate Diploma, while always believing that education in its broadest sense should be fun and exciting for both the learner and those facilitating the learning journey. When enjoyment and enthusiasm inspire activities motivation is high, engagement is sustained and this reinforces a sense of self-belief and personal growth. This too applies to the educational consultancy contracts I have undertaken helping international schools grow and develop.
Having worked with SBL as a full-time learning facilitator I am now taking on a research and development strategic focus responsible for leading research initiatives, identifying growth opportunities, analysing market trends and developing strategic plans to enhance the impact of SBL as an educational provider. This role involves close collaboration with the CEO of SBL to help ensure that its offering continues to be innovative, holistic and aligned with the institutions’s goals and student needs, whilst also being competitive in a rapidly changing international online learning market. The areas my role covers include strategic planning, market research and analysis, stakeholder collaboration and pedagogical framework development.
I have chosen to work in a range of international educational environments committed to clearcut educational ideals whether it be United World Colleges in Singapore, Round Square schools in the UK or with the International Baccalaureate. In all cases those educational philosophies place the learner and the need to develop their personal skills and attributes at the centre of the process of education. There is a Kurt Hahn quote, adopted by Round Square schools, that says “there is more in you than you think”, and this has always rung very true to me. The key is to enable learners to set their own goals and for those supporting them to guide them towards achieving these goals.
Future generations need to be creative and skilled in problem solving, finding connections and links between ideas, in order to make them effective in our changing world.
Educationally I have always wanted to be involved in a process which contributes to the development of individuals as independent critical thinkers possessing creative global vision. These qualities then sit alongside the skills required to collaborate in order to construct their futures and our world. It’s been exciting to discover that SBL espouses all these attitudes.
I like to recharge my batteries by walking, now with our labradoodle puppy Flora, reading, listening to a wide range of music, travelling, discovering, tasting and buying wine from producers across Europe, cooking, table tennis and watching rugby and cricket.

Warren Hudson
Learning & Development Facilitator in Primary School and Language Facilitator
Being a qualified teaching professional for over 25 years, with more than 10 years’ experience in a primary school setting and being a Mathletics Co-ordinator for over 5 years, I have been dedicated to finding new ways to explore primary school subjects and generate excitement amongst students to keep them inspired. Creating healthy challenges in an interactive way that develop students’ skills and mental agility is and has always been at the forefront of my mind.
I totally embrace igniting students’ curiosity by engaging them in activities that they truly adore. At the same time, I recognise the importance of their holistic development and nurturing their intrapersonal intelligence alongside that of an interpersonal nature. Building each individual up to have the most extraordinary spirit that will enhance the world in a natural and authentic way.
I endorse students’ ownership of learning and celebrate personal achievements, feeling inspired by their ability to share and effectively articulate each and every successful outcome.
I understand that collaboration is paramount and I honestly honour the invaluable impact that parents can have on their child’s development.
The dancer in me creatively boosts my energy and adds a positive force to the process of learning. This quality enriches each and every differentiated and personalised journey filling our world of education with excitement and enthusiasm as together our hearts sing as we realise our true essence.

Dan Rogers
Learning & Development Facilitator
Over 20 years ago, I joined the education service to make a difference – to allow students to forge their own pathway in understanding and to experience a love of learning. This is why I am so excited to be joining SBL. We all construct our own meaning of the world, and we learn from experience and the experiences of others. As is often quoted, “Creativity is intelligence having fun!” and alongside creativity – curiosity, compassion and making connections sit at the heart of everything I do. I firmly believe in a growth-mindset approach to learning; if we adopt an open-mind, respond to feedback and add this to our constructed model of understanding – we continuously grow, not just in a school-based context, but in a wider world setting too.
My background is predominantly in maths and science having studied Physics at a university. I am from the UK and have worked mainly in inner city schools during my career. I was assistant head teacher for several years and always led the way with innovation and challenging the status quo to see if there was a better way. For most of that time, I have worked with 10-11 year olds and have also tutored students working towards their GCSEs. My wife is also a teacher, and we have two wonderful teenage children who are studying for their A-levels and GCSEs respectively.

Sean Smith
Learning & Development Facilitator
Rumi — ‘As you start to walk on the way, the way appears.’ This quote resonates hugely with me and my journey to SBL.
I love to create and make, finding real satisfaction from making something completely unique. If it wasn’t for this interest, I would never have studied Product Design, which unusually allowed me to study Japanese. This led to an English teaching post in Japan, where a love of working outside of the UK and teaching and learning from young people was first ignited. The obvious path was then to combine my love of designing and making with working with young people to become a Design Technology teacher, so that it would hopefully allow me to also see more of the world. During my time as a DT teacher of GCSE, A-Level, iGCSE and IB, I have enhanced my skillset through various pastoral and counselling roles – some in a school context, but others with UK charities. All these experiences not only helped with my DT teaching, but also with deeper and more meaningful relationships with my students. It is because of this relatively recent focus on the wellbeing of young people that, unknown to me, had placed me firmly on the path to SBL. I feel incredibly lucky to be joining their team, and I am truly excited for the very first time that I will be working for a school that champions individuality, cherishes young people’s uniqueness, and will stop at nothing to guide and support each student to realise their authentic and absolute best selves.
Now that I am settled in Portugal, you will usually find me, my wife and our two dogs exploring this beautiful country. I am trying to reacquaint myself with the guitar and stay healthy with cycling and running. What an incredible environment to be outside! I could never have realised it back then, but that decision to study Japanese placed me on an incredible journey and I cannot wait to embrace the next chapter at SBL.

Eva Skelton
Learning & Development Facilitator
I’m thrilled to join our dynamic online school, a place where curiosity leads the way to discovery.
With 20 years of teaching experience, I bring a deep passion for nurturing young minds in their quest for knowledge. Living in the beautiful landscapes of South Africa with my husband and two daughters, I’ve developed a profound love for nature and the great outdoors. This love translates into my teaching philosophy, where I believe that learning truly flourishes when students are excited and curious about their surroundings.
Outside the classroom, you’ll find me indulging in my hobbies – running through nature trails, sewing, working with my hands, tending to my veggie garden, or simply taking peaceful walks in nature reserves. These experiences enrich my life and inspire me to encourage children to explore and investigate their own worlds.
As we embark on this educational journey together, I am committed to supporting each student to reach their full potential, instilling a lifelong love for learning and exploration.

Veronika Hausdorf
Learning & Development Facilitator – Primary School
I am excited and honoured to be a part of the SBL Team. As a “third culture kid” myself, I have a deep understanding of the experiences of children who travel and the unique benefits and challenges they face growing up. With extensive experience teaching individuals of all ages and a keen interest in emotional development, I am eager to meet and support your child on their educational journey.
I believe that learning is a lifelong process that flourishes with love and understanding. I appreciate the emphasis on students actively constructing their knowledge based on their prior experiences and values. I am committed to fostering a holistic learning environment that fosters meaningful connections and growth.
I am looking forward to building a relationship with your child and embarking on this educational journey together.

Catherine Kaswii
Learning & Development Facilitator
I am very delighted to be part of the SBL community and look forward to meeting you all. I have been an educator for the last 19 years mainly in Montessori, British and IB schools as well as home schooling my children. I have taught in international schools in Kenya and Tanzania and currently live in Dubai with my family. I am passionate about shaping young minds and fostering a love for learning. My experience in different education systems has equipped me with versatile approach that caters to the unique needs of each child. I am a great believer of holistic learning and view each child as an individual. My desire is to support and encourage children to thrive in their authentic self through different learning approaches. Project based learning is of great interest to me as I enjoy watching the learner’s creativity which also triggers my creativity as we learn together.

Sandra Eckert
Administration Strategist
Having worked in the educational field for more than 18 years at a German university I gained experience in organizing international conferences, collaborating with international students and supporting their study interests in many different aspects. During all these years helping young people concerning organization – / administration – related matters was one of the achievements which always filled me with joy. I have always been interested in different cultures and how we can learn from one another and bring in everyone’s potential for the sake of a balanced common future.
I am excited and extremely grateful to be part of SBL’s wonderful community of empathy, caring and learning and eagerly want to help the students grow into their potential by assisting both mentors and students in any organizational matter.

Verena Ersfeld
Admission Adviser
Deep inside me, there has been a great desire for many years to do something very special with or for children. As a graduate in business administration and business mediator, I have rarely had the opportunity to do this. When my daughter started school, I was able to do a little for children as a class parent representative, but I was not satisfied with that. That’s why my job as an Admission Advisor at School Beyond Limitations is something very special for me, because my dream of being able to do something concrete for children has come true. Every meeting with children and parents is unique and I try to convey our enthusiasm, as a family, for SBL in every meeting and make it especially tangible for the children. School Beyond Limitations has changed so much for the better, and not just for our daughter who is in her third year attending SBL. I am very proud to be part of this wonderful team.

Selina Kirchmer
Admission Adviser
When I heard about the founding of the SBL, it was immediately clear to me that it could help our family to be a family again and get out of the daily struggle. I told my son that there was a new school that takes place online in English and that the children meet three times a year in a European city. My son, who was otherwise almost unable to make a decision, immediately said, “Mom, I want to go there.”
So he started in first grade at SBL, which started in 2019. And what can I say, after just one week of school, I didn’t recognize my son anymore. He came back so strengthened from his first residential (the live meetings of the students), so full of joy. He found that childlike smile again, which he had lost due to the “seriousness of life” (and this at the age of 11).
SBL changed our family’s life. No more daily struggles. We finally found someone who sees our son for who he really is and supports him individually. At SBL, every child is right!
I used to think that my child was wrong, that’s why he had problems. Today I know that my child is right and good in every fibre of his being. He just didn’t fit into the system he was in.
Today, I have the honour and joy of conducting the enrollment interviews with families for SBL. As a Human Design analyst and alternative practitioner for psychotherapy, it is a great honour and joy for me to support parents in their decision and answer all their questions. Every single one of these conversations is a gift to me.
For me, the magical moment is every time when I get to look at the Human Design chart of their children with the parents and tell them what blueprint their child brings. When the parents nod in front of me, I get goosebumps every time, seeing what we can see in the Human Design chart and how it proves to be true.