The most common questions and answers

From which age do you accept students at School Beyond Limitations?

We accept students aged 4 upwards. Whilst in Primary School it is essential for an adult person to be present, in Secondary School students can join independently. Lessons take place online. For that reason your child has to be quite independent regarding the use of technology. S/he should not need to be guided all the time. Furthermore, s/he should be able to keep calm if the Internet connection should not be working by being able to text message to her/his teacher-mentor with ease.
During our residential weeks students should be able to immerse in this unique experience fully without having their parents present.

I am afraid that my child will spend even more time online. How do you deal with this issue?

We think that technology offers us many new opportunities if we use it consciously. We do not fight technology. We integrate it. Students of School Beyond Limitations learn to make conscious choices by finding out how a balanced approach should look like. Furthermore, they use Internet for their research and for learning purposes only rather than as a way to get distracted.
A very important pillar of our approach to learning is a mindful usage of digital media.

How much does the school cost?

You find the school fees under each section. The fees include the full package of the residential weeks (excluding traveling costs to the destination and back), weekly individual mentor sessions, a solid collaboration between family and any educational service that will advance the student’s progress. The strong collaboration between parents and school is embedded in School Beyond Limitations’ work ethos. School fees can also be paid in instalments.

What is the language of instruction?

The lessons take place in English. There is no need to know English at proficiency level. However, the student should desire to approach his learning in this language. All our teacher-mentors are also qualified ESL teachers (English as a Second Language), and they know how to support students whose English has still to be developed further.

Lessons take place from 9 am to 12 noon (CET) in Secondary School. These are just three hours of teaching every day. Is that enough?

During the three hours students are exposed to a number of learning inputs which the students further develop in the afternoon. Furthermore, their teacher-mentors support their students in such a way that they organise their afternoons according to their interests and their personal goals. This may result in the participation in a drama club, taking music lessons, engaging in sports or arts. Our students learn how to make conscious choices by using their time efficiently driven by the desire to expand their expertise and their knowledge accordingly.

How can one teacher cover all subjects?

Each group has two core teachers: One teacher is specialised in Maths and sciences and the other teacher is qualified in teaching literature and/or humanities. Since we apply an inter- and transdisciplinary learning approach our students learn to see the interconnections of subjects and the difference in viewing topics from different standpoints. This allows our students to see the connections between disciplines and to view everything around them with lenses of wonder while their teachers guide them into areas that they would not have taken without their support. Furthermore, our students learn to embark – by starting from their own interests and their own life situation – on an academic journey.

Is it possible to attend one class?

Since our classes are very small (with a maximum of 8 students per class) we may sometimes organise trial days for those students who find our concept interesting. Only when we are close to enrolment (after completion of the application process) we may invite the student to join one of our main classes.

May students from countries in which going to school is mandatory also enrol in School Beyond Limitations?

This can be done under certain circumstances that will be discussed with the respective family during our application process.

Is it mandatory for my child to attend the residential weeks?

There is no must in what we do. However, the residential weeks are an important part of our educational services. One of the main values of School Beyond Limitations is freedom. We recommend our students to partake in our residential weeks as they offer different learning foci and also the opportunity to meet with their peers and teacher-mentors in person. It is our goal to guide our students towards becoming self-directed and accountable learners: this also includes the responsibility to cultivate their relationship beyond the online classes. Generally speaking our students love to participate in the residential weeks.

Which diplomas do you prepare your students for?

We prepare our students for the diploma that they aim to complete. Generally speaking we prepare them for the international GCSEs and the international AS and  A-Levels. Since we support our students individually it is possible for them to achieve their individual goals accordingly.

Doesn’t my child become lonely if s/he attends an online school?

Our experience shows us that students build their friendships as easily as in offline settings. Any time the students meet in person during the residential weeks they immediately bond with one another as if they had known one another for ages. In the end it is the bonding aspect that counts and this feeling goes beyond physical boundaries.

Is School Beyond Limitations a recognised school?

Yes, our school is fully recognised by IAO(International Accreditation Organisation)  in all areas with regards to educational institutions. SBL is also a Pearson Edexcel Examination Centre.

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